Thursday, August 30, 2007

First Post - Lame Ramblings, not much to do with cooking

Tonight, I had a sudden urge to start this blog.
Don't ask why, but probably because I was thinking of a way to explain the dreadfully complicated wrapping technique of aluminium foil that is commonly associated with my Mother's delightful spare ribs.
And I figured, I could write down the ingredients, and try my best to describe it..
Then, I thought of good old Youtube.
And it occured to me that good old Blogger has just introduced the Video Blog button.(Oh the many joys and possibilities)
Since it is currently 1.34am despite what it may say on the bottom/top of this post, I don't think it's quite the right time for me to bring out the pots, pans and other cooking apparatus just to film a video and take mindless pictures just yet. :)
So the cooking related business has to wait for another day.
Plus, the first posts of a blog are always shit blown through a fan :P
And I'm planning to add a couple of other authors, who so happen to be my friends, so we may make merry and fill this blog with mindless pictures of food, glorious food.
And so my fellow idiots, (just so there ain't no complaining about the lack of food topics) I leave you with a tip:
When slicing onions, to avoid the melodramatic tears, rub the knife edge with salt.
Obviously, you have to keep rubbing it with salt or the tears will eventually come. :)
Tally ho.

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